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The heart is a thousand-stringed instrument

Hooray! My website is ready.

It was hard work, but what fun to make something yourself, to be creative! To spend hours looking for beautiful pictures and find them, like this one (click the picture to enlarge it).

Hafiz: the heart is a thousand stringed instrument
Hafiz: the heart is a thousand stringed instrument

‘The heart is a thousand stringed instrument that can only be tuned by love.’ These words by the poet Hafiz are a wonderful quote to begin my new blog with. Whichever method you use as a therapist or teacher, however good you are, however many courses you’ve taken – it won’t help if there’s no love. A lot of research has been done on what makes therapy a success. It actually turns out it doesn’t matter what method you use as long as it ‘clicks’ between therapist and client. Coming together, the feeling that as client you can be yourself and it’s safe to let yourself be seen and heard – that in the end is what’s most important.

Enjoy this website and I hope to meet you in my practice.